Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Time flies

I can't believe it has been six years since I last posted to this blog. Like the title says, time flies.

Over the past few years I've spent most of my waking hours at work, watching as my employer has been merged and sold and purchased several times over. Until the most recent takeover this summer, I was both the manager and the sole staff member of the company's IT department—which is remarkable in a company of some 300 employees (normally you'd expect to have perhaps four or five people in the department). I sometimes slept at the office, and rarely went anywhere except to and from work. This was in sharp contrast to my previous habit of going for long walks in Paris. There was simply no time for walks.

Anyway, the situation has changed. My employer went bankrupt earlier this year, and I'm now working for a new company that bought what was left of the old one. I'm still putting in overtime, but nothing compared to previously—no all-nighters or weekends. Perhaps I'll have some time to go for walks again.

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